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Inverse Psoriasis | Uncovering this Less Common Type of Psoriasis

Feature | How To Treat Inverse Psoriasis Naturally | inverse psoriasis treatment
October 08, 2018

When most people hear the word “psoriasis,” they think of dry skin patches on the knees, elbows and other exterior skin surfaces. However, inverse psoriasis is a less common type of psoriasis, which causes shiny, smooth lesions in the folds of the skin. Read on for a closer look at inverse psoriasis, its causes, and treatment, along with tips for naturally managing this painful condition.

In this article:

  1. What Is Inverse Psoriasis?
  2. What Causes Psoriasis?
  3. Treating Inverse Psoriasis
  4. The Natural Imperative
  5. Products with Organic Ingredients

Inverse Psoriasis | Uncovering this Less Common Type of Psoriasis

What Is Inverse Psoriasis?

Also known as intertriginous psoriasis, inverse psoriasis appears as red lesions in skin folds, such as the groin, armpits, and under the breasts. Unlike plaque psoriasis, the most well-known form of the disease, this kind is moist, not dry. It’s most common in people who are overweight and/or have deep skin folds.

What Causes Psoriasis?

Inverse psoriasis causes are complex, although scientists believe that it’s an inherited condition. Many people with this skin condition have other types of psoriasis, as well. Scientists believe that a person’s genes may make them more susceptible to developing a psoriatic disease. However, not everyone who inherits genes that create a predisposition to psoriasis develops it.

Sweating from or rubbing these tender areas aggravates inverse psoriasis symptoms. Another inverse psoriasis trigger is severe stress, as well as the following:

  • Injections
  • Sunburn
  • Scratches
  • Injuries
  • Certain medications
  • Infections of the immune system

Additionally, doctors believe that diet, allergies and the weather may also lead to flare-ups.

Treating Inverse Psoriasis

Because of the nature of its location, inverse psoriasis can be particularly difficult to treat. For starters, the skin in the areas where lesions occur is thin, sensitive, and vulnerable to infection. Many of the creams and lotions used to treat psoriasis, including this particular type such as corticosteroid ointments, can lead to further skin thinning, thereby further increasing the risk of infection. (Overuse of these medications may also cause stretch marks). Meanwhile, another common inverse psoriasis treatment cream, calcipotriene, can irritate the skin rather than relieving it.

Also, some FDA-approved drugs currently being used to treat eczema being prescribed to treat inverse psoriasis may be linked with the increased risk of cancer in early studies.

The takeaway? Many of the clinical treatments currently being used to manage this condition may actually do more harm than good.

The Natural Imperative

The Natural Imperative | How To Treat Inverse Psoriasis Naturally | inverse psoriasis natural treatment

The good news? There are several natural ways to manage the symptoms without compromising your overall health and wellness.

Some recommended inverse psoriasis natural treatment include:

  • Practicing good hygiene. This includes preventative self-care measures such as bathing with mild soap and warm water.
  • Adding extra moisture to baths in the form of Epsom salts, bath oil, or colloidal oatmeal
  • Practicing stress management techniques
  • Avoiding alcohol, as this may interfere with the effectiveness of treatments
  • Getting sunlight every day
  • Losing weight
  • Moisturizing regularly

Products with Organic Ingredients

Speaking of moisturizing, many products on the market are made with harsh chemical ingredients, such as retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate, retinoic acid, and retinol. Each of these has been identified by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) as an ingredient to avoid.

Conversely, by choosing products made only with natural, plant-based ingredients, sufferers not only enjoy instant relief from itchy, painful skin but also prevent future flare-ups.

Consider amaranth oil, for example. Made from ancient superfood amaranth, amaranth oil contains the highest amount of emollient and natural antioxidant squalene of any known source. Also a powerful anti-inflammatory, cell growth enhancer, and anti-allergic compound, squalene also helps prevent infection.

Be inspired by the journey of a man who suffered from psoriasis for 18 years in this video from Real LIFE STORIES:

Managing psoriasis is, by no means, easy. It can be a battle you face for many years. If you or someone you love suffers from inverse psoriasis, help them become more informed about this condition. Help them embrace the many benefits of natural treatment options. It might make all the difference.

Are you suffering from inverse psoriasis? How are you managing it? Share what works for you in the comments section below!

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