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November 2018 - Blog Puriya

Feature | Carpal Tunnel Treatment and Pain Relief | carpal tunnel relief
November 29, 2018

Carpal Tunnel Treatment and Pain Relief

Carpal tunnel treatment without resolving to surgery is possible with the medications and remedies mentioned below. In this article: Conservative and Non-Surgical Treatment Natural Remedies Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

November 26, 2018

This winter, avoid itchy hands with natural skin hydration

Winter brings with it the coziness of the holidays, the excitement of the approaching new year and the promise of wearing fuzzy sweaters. Unfortunately, all the warm and cozies come

Feature | What Causes Acne | FAQs | About acne
November 23, 2018

What Causes Acne | FAQs

Knowing what causes acne is the first step to addressing it. Here, we answer your questions about this skin aggravating condition. In this article: What Is Acne? Are Acne And