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Extra Strength Athlete's Foot Treatment: The Power of Natural Ingredients - Blog Puriya

Close-up of antifungal cream application on infected toenail, showcasing the treatment process
May 13, 2024

Athletes foot treatment extra strength is a common need today., Athlete’s foot, a common fungal infection that targets the skin on the feet and toes, is a condition familiar to many, yet it remains a source of extreme discomfort and inconvenience for those affected. Characterized by itching, scaling, and in some cases, painful cracking, athlete’s foot can significantly disrupt daily activities and overall quality of life. 


Where does it live?

Typically thriving in and infecting people in warm, moist environments, this condition often plagues individuals who frequent gyms, pools, and those who regularly engage in activities that involve wearing closed shoes for extended periods of time.

Effective treatment plays a crucial role in managing and eradicating the bothersome ailment of athlete’s foot. While various over-the-counter options are available, more persistent and severe cases require a robust approach. This is where extra strength athlete’s foot treatments become essential. Manufacturers specially formulate these extra strength treatments to provide a potent solution against the resilient strains of fungus responsible for athlete’s foot.

Researchers design these treatments to provide quicker relief from symptoms and a more efficient path to recovery, especially in cases where standard treatments have not produced the desired results.  

Extra strength athlete’s foot treatments often contain higher concentrations of active antifungal agents. These enhanced formulations may be adept at providing immediate relief from discomfort and itching but can also contain unwanted ingredients.

For those who have experienced the relentless nature of a severe athlete’s foot infection, the introduction of an “athlete’s foot treatment extra strength” can introduce some unwanted chemicals into their life.

Common Athletes Foot Ingredients & Chemicals You May Want To Avoid

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Terbinafine For Athletes Foot Treatment Extra Strength

Terbinafine, discovered in 1983 by researchers at Sandoz, now a part of Novartis in Switzerland, is a common antifungal medication. Researchers specifically developed terbinafine, a member of the allylamines class of drugs, to combat fungal infections that primarily affect the skin, hair, and nails. The drug gained medical approval in the United Kingdom in 1991 and subsequently in the United States in 1996. Since then, terbinafine has become a widely used treatment for various foot and body fungal conditions.

Side Effects & Dangers

The side effects of terbinafine can vary but commonly include skin irritation, itching, or redness at the application site. In oral form, it may cause gastrointestinal disturbances, taste disturbances, and, in rare cases, liver problems. Allergic reactions, though infrequent, can occur. Medical professionals generally consider terbinafine safe when people use it as directed. However, an overdose, especially of the oral form, can lead to symptoms like headache, nausea, dizziness, and stomach pain. In severe cases, liver damage is a concern, and patients with liver disease or compromised liver function should use oral terbinafine cautiously.

Animal Testing

Like many medications, researchers may have tested terbinafine on animals during its development phase to determine its safety and efficacy. Pharmaceutical companies standardly practice this in development. Veterinarians sometimes prescribe terbinafine for fungal infections in animals. However, only veterinarians should administer it because the dosage and safety vary significantly between humans and animals. Healthcare providers generally consider terbinafine safe for long-term use, but they should monitor any medication used over a long period. The risk of side effects, particularly those related to the liver, may increase with prolonged use.


Like any pharmaceutical product, Terbinafine is subject to stringent manufacturing and quality control standards. The risk of contamination is typically low when reputable manufacturers produce the medication. However, purchasing from unverified sources or using medication beyond its expiration date can increase the risk of using a contaminated product.

Clotrimazole For Athletes Foot Treatment Extra Strength

History of Clotrimazole Clotrimazole was first synthesized in 1969 by scientists at Bayer AG, a German multinational pharmaceutical company. Scientists developed clotrimazole as part of a class of drugs known as azole antifungals, which inhibit the growth of a wide range of fungi. The medication quickly became a staple in treating skin and vaginal yeast infections due to its broad-spectrum antifungal activity.

Side Effects of Clotrimazole

Common side effects include minor skin irritation, redness, stinging, or burning at the application site on the skin. These symptoms are typically mild and diminish as the body adjusts to the medication. Severe allergic reactions to clotrimazole are rare but can include rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, and trouble breathing.

Dangers and Overdose Information

Clotrimazole generally remains safe when used as directed. An overdose is rare, especially with topical application, because the skin minimally absorbs it. If ingested orally, it may cause nausea or vomiting, but severe symptoms are unlikely; thus, caution is probably necessary if you have pets

Animal Testing and Use in Pets

Like most pharmaceuticals, clotrimazole has likely undergone animal testing during its development phase.
Veterinarians sometimes use it in veterinary medicine to treat fungal infections in pets. However, it should be used under veterinary guidance, as the appropriate dosage and safety can vary between humans and animals.

Safety for Continued Use

Clotrimazole is usually safe for extended use in treating fungal infections. However, a healthcare professional should monitor long-term use to avoid potential side effects or the development of resistance.


History of Miconazole
In the early 1970s, miconazole was a breakthrough in the azole class of antifungals. It quickly became known for its effectiveness in treating skin, vaginal yeast infections, and oral thrush, thanks to its broad-spectrum antifungal properties.

Side Effects of Miconazole

Common side effects include mild skin irritation, itching, or redness at the application site on the skin. In some cases, particularly with vaginal applications, users might experience headaches or a burning sensation. Although rare, allergic reactions to miconazole can involve rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, or trouble breathing.

Dangers and Overdose Information

Miconazole is generally considered safe, and overdose is rare, particularly with topical application due to minimal absorption. If ingested in large quantities, it could cause nausea or vomiting, but severe symptoms are uncommon. This medication is essential, especially for severe or persistent infections under medical supervision.

Animal Testing and Use in Pets

Like most pharmaceuticals, miconazole likely underwent animal testing in its developmental stages. It is sometimes used in veterinary medicine to treat fungal infections in animals, but it should only be used under veterinary guidance.

Safety for Continued Use

Miconazole is safe for continued use as directed to treat fungal skin infections. However, if the infection persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider. Prolonged use should be monitored to ensure efficacy and check for adverse reactions.


Developed sometime in the 1960s, tolnaftate was among the first antifungals designed explicitly for topical use. It was introduced as an effective treatment for athlete’s foot, ringworm, and other fungal skin infections. Its unique chemical structure set it apart from other antifungal agents of the time and established it as a seemingly reliable option in antifungal therapy.

Side Effects of Tolnaftate

While tolnaftate is generally well-tolerated, some users may experience mild skin irritation, itching, or redness at the application site. These side effects are usually minimal and tend to resolve as the skin adjusts to the treatment. Severe allergic reactions to tolnaftate are rare but could include symptoms like rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, or difficulty breathing.

Dangers and Overdose Information

Tolnaftate is considered safe for topical use, and the risk of overdose is shallow due to minimal systemic absorption. However, if accidentally ingested, it could cause gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea or vomiting. In cases of suspected ingestion, medical attention should be sought.

Animal Testing and Use in Pets

As with many pharmaceutical compounds, tolnaftate likely underwent animal testing in its development phase. It may be used in veterinary medicine to treat fungal infections in animals, but it should be administered only under the guidance of a veterinarian.

Safety for Continued Use

Tolnaftate is safe for continued use as directed to treat fungal skin infections. However, if the infection persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider. Prolonged use should be monitored to ensure efficacy and check for adverse reactions.
athletes foot treatment extra strength
athletes foot treatment extra strength

Plant Powered Alternatives For Athletes Foot Treatment Extra Strength


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil, also known as Melaleuca oil, is recognized for its potential as a topical antifungal agent. Several studies and reviews have highlighted its effectiveness and properties:
  1. Effectiveness in Treating Fungal Infections: Tea tree oil has been found to be effective in the treatment of various fungal conditions, including dandruff, oral candidiasis, and vaginal candidiasis. It’s known for causing the leakage of intracellular compounds and inhibiting cellular respiration in bacteria, which contributes to its oft touted antifungal properties. However, its effectiveness in treating toenail fungus has shown mixed results.
  2. Comparative Effectiveness with Traditional Antifungals: Tea tree oil may be a valuable addition to traditional antifungal drugs due to its antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity. Its potential as an adjunct or alternative to common antifungal agents, such as Ketoconazole, which is an imidazole antifungal agent commonly used for dermatological fungal infections, has been noted.
  3. Broad Antimicrobial Properties: A comprehensive review of Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil’s antimicrobial and other medicinal properties highlights its broad-spectrum activity. This includes not only antifungal but also antibacterial properties, making it a versatile agent in treating various infections.
  4. Common Uses in Topical Treatments: The Mayo Clinic notes that tea tree oil is commonly used to treat conditions like acne, athlete’s foot, lice, nail fungus, and insect bites. Its widespread use in topical treatments attests to its perceived efficacy and safety when used externally.
These references collectively suggest that tea tree oil is a promising plant-powered alternative for treating fungal infections, including athlete’s foot. Its broad antimicrobial properties, coupled with anti-inflammatory activity, make it a potentially effective component in formulations aimed at treating and providing relief from fungal skin conditions. However, as with any topical treatment, it’s important to consider individual skin sensitivities and to consult with healthcare professionals, especially in cases of severe or persistent infections.


The Soothing Benefits of Macadamia Seed Oil in Athlete’s Foot Treatment

Athlete’s foot can disrupt the natural barrier of the skin. In the quest for effective treatments, the focus often lies on strong chemical antifungal agents. However, the role of skin-soothing and moisturizing ingredients, like Macadamia Ternifolia (Macadamia) Seed Oil, is equally vital. Lets explore how Macadamia Seed Oil, known for its exceptional moisturizing properties, plays a crucial role in the healing process of athlete’s foot.

Macadamia Seed Oil: A Natural Moisturizer Derived from the nuts of the Macadamia Ternifolia tree, Macadamia Seed Oil is celebrated for its deep moisturizing capabilities. Rich in essential fatty acids, it closely mimics the skin’s natural oils, making it an excellent ingredient for restoring skin hydration.


Soothing Irritated Skin One of the key challenges in treating athlete’s foot is addressing the skin irritation and dryness caused by the fungal infection. Macadamia Seed Oil, with its natural soothing properties, helps calm irritated skin, providing much-needed relief from itching and burning sensations.


Restoring the Skin Barrier Fungal infections like athlete’s foot can compromise the skin’s barrier, leading to further skin issues. The fatty acids in Macadamia Seed Oil are crucial for rebuilding this barrier. By reinforcing the skin’s natural defense, it helps prevent secondary infections and accelerates the healing process.


Supporting Antifungal Treatment While Macadamia Seed Oil does not have antifungal properties, it complements antifungal treatments effectively. By maintaining skin health and integrity, it allows the active antifungal ingredients to work more effectively, ensuring a faster and more comprehensive recovery from athlete’s foot.

Incorporating Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil into athlete’s foot treatment regimens offers a dual approach: combating the fungus while nurturing the skin. Its moisturizing and soothing effects make it an invaluable component in treating and restoring the health of feet affected by fungal infections. As more people seek holistic and skin-friendly treatments, the inclusion of ingredients like Macadamia Seed Oil highlights the importance of not just treating the infection, but also caring for the skin affected by it.

Why use a Plant Powered Solution?

Using the natural ingredients in your athlete’s foot treatment, as opposed to harmful chemicals, offers several key benefits:
  1. Safety and Gentleness: Natural ingredients like Zinc Undecylenate, Tea Tree Oil, and various plant oils are typically gentler on the skin compared to harsh chemical compounds. This reduces the risk of irritation, allergic reactions, and other side effects often associated with synthetic antifungal agents.
  2. Effective Antifungal Action: While being gentle, ingredients like Zinc Undecylenate and Tea Tree Oil are effective in combating fungal infections. They provide the necessary antifungal properties to treat athlete’s foot effectively without the need for harsh chemicals.
  3. Skin Nourishment and Healing: Oils like Macadamia, Safflower, Olive, and Coconut Oil offer deep moisturization, helping to restore the skin’s natural barrier that can be disrupted by fungal infections. This not only aids in treating the current infection but also helps in preventing future occurrences.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Ingredients such as Eucalyptus Oil and Lavender Oil have natural anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief from itching and irritation caused by athlete’s foot.
  5. Holistic Approach to Skin Health: The combination of these natural ingredients takes a more holistic approach to treating athlete’s foot. Instead of merely eliminating the fungus, they also focus on maintaining and restoring the overall health of the skin.
  6. Reduced Environmental Impact: Using plant-based ingredients is generally more environmentally friendly compared to synthetic chemicals, aligning with a more sustainable and eco-conscious approach to skincare and treatment.
In summary, opting for a treatment with these natural ingredients for athlete’s foot can lead to a safer, gentler, and more holistic approach to skin health, effectively addressing the infection while nourishing and restoring the skin’s natural balance.

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