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Can Supplements Help With Candida On The Skin? - Blog Puriya

August 01, 2024

Candida, a type of yeast, commonly causes fungal infections on the skin for many. While it naturally exists in small amounts on the skin and within the human body, its overgrowth can consequently lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, redness, and flaky skin. This imbalance can further exacerbate existing many skin conditions. It is known for making management of these conditions even more challenging. Effectively dealing with Candida overgrowth for many people often requires a multifaceted approach. It may include dietary changes, topical treatments, and at times the use of supplements.


Understanding Candida Overgrowth

Various factors can trigger someone to have candida overgrowth on the skin. One includes a weakened immune system, antibiotic use, high sugar diets, and hormonal imbalances. Both dermatologists and health enthusiasts, therefore, recognize the need for comprehensive strategies to effectively manage and mitigate these triggers and co-factors.

Role of Supplements in Managing Skin Candida


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help maintain a healthy balance of microflora in the gut, which in turn may influence overall skin health. By restoring the natural balance of bacteria, probiotics can inhibit the overgrowth of Candida.

Antifungal Supplements

Certain natural antifungal supplements, such as caprylic acid, oregano oil, and garlic extract, have been shown to help control Candida. These supplements contain compounds that can inhibit the growth of fungi and restore balance.

Immune System Support

Supplements that bolster the immune system, such as vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea, can, therefore, help the body fight off infections more effectively. A robust immune system plays a crucial role in managing Candida overgrowth.


Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that feed beneficial bacteria in the gut. By promoting the growth of good bacteria, prebiotics can help maintain a balanced microbial environment, reducing the likelihood of Candida overgrowth.


Supplementation can be a valuable component of a comprehensive strategy to manage Candida overgrowth on the skin. By incorporating probiotics, antifungal supplements, immune boosters, and prebiotics, individuals may find relief from symptoms and achieve better skin health. For optimal results, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist to tailor a regimen that suits your specific needs.