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Good Eczema Creams - Blog Puriya

August 31, 2018

Good eczema creams are hard to find. Nothing says eczema like a constant never-ending itch. It leaves you helplessly wondering if you will ever go a day without wanting to drive your nails deep into your skin! If you’re currently suffering from eczema, you know what I’m talking about. Learn how to spot a good eczema cream in this post.

Good Eczema Creams | What To Look For And Why


A Quick Travel Guide into Over the Counter Eczema Cream Options

Good news:

There are good eczema creams out there. If you’re looking for something that works, something that will finally set you free, I’m going to endeavor to be a bit of a travel guide through the world of eczema creams, showing you what to look for and why you should look for it.

Want a small glimpse of what’s in store?

Let’s just say that Mother Nature has some potent ingredients that can help affect real change in your skin without any of the terrible side effects some of the over-the-counter eczema creams possess.

Hiding from Hydrocortisone

Hiding From Hydrocortisone | Good Eczema Creams | eczema

Hydrocortisone is a steroid found in many topical skin care treatments. When it comes to finding the best eczema creams, your search in the steroid realm will likely come up empty.

Here’s the kicker:

While it may be meant to deliver a solid reduction in inflammation, it isn’t something people should use long-term, and for many eczema sufferers, that’s a deal breaker.

Tragically, hydrocortisone greatly weakens the skin over time. It doesn’t help the skin stay hydrated. Your plump skin cells will thin and the cracks in the skin will widen, throwing the doors wide open for irritants and bacteria to come in and make themselves at home.

It gets worse:

Prolonged usage can actually thin the skin. This makes it especially damaging for areas of the epidermis that are already pretty sensitive, making it inadvisable to use on the face, under the arms, or the groin.

Topical treatments with this steroid shouldn’t be placed in the category of good eczema creams.

Don’t Give Yourself Cancer

Certainly a step up in scary from hydrocortisone, parabens loom large in the cosmetic industry, especially topical skin creams. While they are on their way out the door, the groundbreaking 2004 study did not immediately put an end to this potentially fatal ingredient, with many OTC creams still possessing this ingredient.

Parabens are used as a preservative in your everyday skin cream. They kill bacteria, but they also masquerade as estrogen, sticking their filthy fingers into the mix and stirring up trouble. Parabens have also been found in breast tumors, and considering the link to estrogen, it’s not something you want to play around with.

Why Use Natural Eczema Creams?

For many people, the only solution to eczema flare-ups is topical corticosteroids. Whenever the skin becomes red and itchy, there won’t be any hesitation in applying this product. However, do you know that the National Eczema Association doesn’t recommend using topical steroids for more than two weeks continuously? Cortisone creams may just be a temporary band-aid.

With natural eczema creams, only natural ingredients are used which means zero side effects and low risks for any complications. But, you can’t just buy any natural eczema cream as well. It has to contain antifungal, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties but can also moisturize the skin at the same time.

A good natural eczema cream will be soothing on the skin as well as provide relief from dry, cracked, or itchy skin instantly. The cream should also be able to address the pain. Natural eczema creams don’t just give you temporary relief though, they also work to rejuvenate, hydrate, and protect the skin from future flare-ups. A good eczema cream will help strengthen the skin’s barrier to make it better protected from products you use every day that may lead recurrence of eczema.

No Need to Sacrifice Your Health for Relief

No Need To Sacrifice Your Health For Relief | Good Eczema Creams | over the counter eczema cream

Good eczema creams aren’t going to put you at risk for serious health problems. They will likely achieve this through the power of all-natural ingredients, like the moisturizing and healing aloe vera, the hydration and nutrient-rich amaranth oil, revitalizing essential oils, nourishing vitamins, and a whole host of other possibilities.

What’s the catch? Well… there isn’t one! Like any skincare product, there’s still the risk of an allergic reaction, but good eczema creams will have stirred up a blend of ingredients designed to counteract such allergic reactions.

Need ideas on how to treat eczema naturally? Check out this video from Kingdom Of Health:

Is there a product out there that meets these qualifications? Yes, there is! The Mother of All Creams comes fully equipped with a powerful arsenal of the best nature has to offer. You don’t need to be helpless in the face of your eczema. Conquer your itch today with Puriya!

Have you tried an over the counter eczema cream before? Let us know about your experience in the comments section.

Up Next: The Eczema Friendly Diet | Anti Inflammatory Foods


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 17, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.