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7 Tips to Make Your Home Eczema-Friendly - Blog Puriya

August 10, 2018


7 Tips to Make Your Home Eczema-Friendly

Our surrounding environment contains many variables such as pollutants, irritants, and allergens that could trigger eczema flare-ups. We do not have control over these in the outside world, but we do have over what’s inside our homes.

There are ways to make your own home eczema-friendly. Changes that could mean fewer occurrences of flare-ups. Read on to find out how you can make your home a sanctuary for those with eczema.

1. Don’t sweep. Damp-mop!

When we sweep dust from our floors, we are able to collect a significant amount of it into a pile, ready for disposal. However, there is a tendency that there are still much dust floating around in the air, invisible to the naked eye.

Instead of sweeping, opt for a damp mop to effectively collect dust from the floors of your home. Use a damp microfibre cloth for tables, chairs, and other surfaces and furniture.

2. Use green, environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Minimize the use of chemical-filled cleaning products as these may contain irritants and other substances that may trigger eczema flare-ups. Fortunately, there is a wide array of cleaning products containing natural products that are as effective. Also, when possible, look for the National Eczema Association Seal of Acceptance on your next grocery trip.

3. Prevent mold and bacteria.

The bathroom, when left unsupervised, tend to be the ideal breeding ground for mold and all kinds of bacteria. It is best practice to make sure everything is dry after use–from the bath tub to the toilet bowl. Establishing a weekly routine to scrub out pre-existing mold is also ideal. Installing an exhaust fan will also help remove excess moisture while bathing.

Finally, make sure to look under your sinks and clean up regularly as these are neglected areas where mold, pest droppings, and all kinds of germs tend to lay around. Fix any leaks to avoid unnecessary moisture.

4. Reduce the amount of pet dander present in your home.

This is not exclusive for pet owners because pet dander can come from previous occupants of your home and especially from your neighbors, given that they own a pet. This allergen serves as a magnet, attracting dust and dust mites. Luckily, there are easy solutions to this pesky problem. All it takes is to vacuum frequently, bathe your pets as often as possible, and having designated pet-free zones.

5. Maintain your home’s humidity levels.

This is especially important for those in hot, humid areas. Humidity above 50% are ideal for both dust mites and mold growth. Simply keep humidity at or below 50 percent to prevent these eczema triggers from increasing their presence. Having a dehumidifier is also helpful in regulating excess humidity in any room.

6. Avoid bringing in dust, pollen and other irritants from the outside.

Instead of slaving yourself into cleaning your house with the same amount of work every time, prevent these unwelcome guests from entering your house. One simple step is to have two washable floor mats–one each for the inside and outside–for every entryway of your home. These will serve as your dust traps that you could clean and wash later on.

You could also have a shoe rack in place to avoid spreading allergens from the outside. Having a house rule to remove outside footwear before entering the home is also effective. Finally, if you live in an area where pollen count is high, keep your doors and windows closed as often as possible.

7. Use breathable fibers such as cotton.

Consider replacing your beddings with dust-mite protective replacements to prevent future flare-ups while in bed. Cotton is a great clothing material for those with eczema as this would help in minimizing itching. Avoiding itchy fabrics such as wool is also good to keep in mind when buying clothed goods.

Preventing eczema flare-ups is always much better than stopping it when it happens. Our homes should be a safe place for everyone who lives in it, and, by taking action with these tips, we can achieve an eczema haven. Simply keep in mind to reduce contact with allergens and irritants, remove dust frequently, shift to eczema-friendly fabrics, and use green cleaning products.

Do you have your own tips and hacks to eczema-proof your home? Let us know at service@puriya.com, we’d love to hear from you!