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Examination of Eczema Creams: Here's What You Need to Know

Feature | Examination of Eczema Creams | eczema treatment cream
August 22, 2018

It is essential to examine the effectiveness of eczema creams. This is especially true for those receiving this diagnosis recently and looking for treatment options. Maybe you’ve only seen failure with the over-the-counter eczema treatment cream you’ve been purchasing and you’re looking to make a change? Whether you’re new to the fight against eczema or not, it’s important to have an understanding not only of what options are available to you but also what those various options offer. Read on to learn everything you need to know about the examination of eczema creams.

Examination of Eczema Creams: What You Need to Know


What is Eczema Cream?

If you’re looking for ways to cure eczema fast, then you have probably heard about eczema creams. Eczema cream is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to combat the dry and inflamed skin eczema sufferers experience. Its purpose is to make up for the body’s inability to keep the skin hydrated. Healthy skin is composed of plump cells, filled to the brim with fats, oils, and water. When cells aren’t plump, the skin is vulnerable to bacterial infiltration.

Note: Eczema cream targets these failures of the body, restoring the healthy fats and oils to your skin, and locking in hydration. Because your skin cells are the first layer of defense against harmful bacteria, it’s important they are kept fat and happy!

What Kind of Cream Do You Put on Eczema?

What Kind of Cream Do You Put on Eczema? | Examination of Eczema Creams | eczema treatment

You want to use eczema creams that hydrate your skin, douse inflammation, and drown out the itchiness with wave after wave of relief. In short, you want your skin to feel renewed and refreshed. Over the counter eczema creams accomplish this through the use of hydrocortisone steroids. Puriya’s eczema cream recipe accomplishes it with a rich blend of all natural ingredients. This is what makes it the best eczema cream on the market.

Using Amaranth Oil to combat inflammation; aloe vera, honey, and jojoba oil to hydrate your skin; shea butter and MSM to reduce itchiness; and a whole host of other skin rejuvenating ingredients, the Mother of all Creams incorporates all of Mother Nature’s power into one healing concoction. You don’t want to be using a product that has you worrying about the potential side effects. With Puriya, this is never a concern.

Can You Use Eczema Cream for Your Face?

As mentioned previously, the active ingredient in eczema creams purchased over the counter is hydrocortisone, which is a steroid that helps reduce inflammation. However, you should NOT be using it on your face. Hydrocortisone will damage fragile skin, and with facial skin being some of the most sensitive on the body, this damage will not only be evident but will likely be far worse than it would be anywhere else.

When we compared eczema creams bought over-the-counter to Puriya’s Mother of all Creams, we discovered they come up sorely lacking. Other eczema cream ingredients are pulled from the laboratory, while Puriya pulls them straight from nature, creating the best topical eczema cream for every inch of your skin! The Mother of all Creams is an eczema cream for the face, hands, and body.

What is the Best Thing to Use for Eczema?

What is the Best Thing to Use for Eczema? | Examination of Eczema Creams | how to cure eczema fast

Every person is different. Everyone has a different skin type, allergies, and sensitivity levels. There isn’t necessarily a catch-all treatment guaranteed to work for everyone. However, the Mother of all Creams was designed to come as close to that as possible. It is chock full of value for your skin when it comes to nutrition, hydration, reducing inflammation, and erasing the constant itchiness. It also comes with a 180-day money back guarantee, so that you can figure out what’s best for your body and its needs without worrying about your wallet.


To learn more about Puriya’s Mother of all Creams, check out this review from relieffrom eczema:

May this discussion about the examination of eczema creams help you in your eczema treatment. Eczema may cause discomfort, but you can rest assured that there are options out there to help you manage the symptoms. If you want to reduce inflammation caused by eczema rash fast, then using eczema creams is recommended for you.

Is there anything else you would like to know about eczema creams? Don’t hesitate to ask us in the comments section below!

Up Next: 7 Tips to Make Your Home Eczema-Friendly


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on March 12, 2017, and has been updated for accuracy and relevancy.