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Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | Things to Know | Puriya Blog

Feature | Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | baby products | baby’s skin
September 27, 2018

Your baby’s skin is sensitive and tender, and you need the essential tips to take care of their delicate skin. As parents, it’s our duty to protect our little ones. Here, we’ll show you how you can provide the skin care and skin protection your child deserves. Follow these baby skin care tips to help keep your baby’s skin healthy and protected!

Baby Skin Care Tips | Things to Know

Baby Bathing

Baby Bathing | Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | skin care and protection

Bathing your baby is important to cleanse your baby’s skin. Check out these tips on how you should bathe your little angel.

    • A sponge bath 2-3 times per week is enough. Daily bathing removes the natural oils from your baby’s skin and may aggravate eczema.
  • Bathe in water for only 3-5 minutes.
  • Pat with a towel instead of rubbing.

Baby Clothing

Baby Clothing | Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | baby products | baby’s skin

Your child’s clothing is also another important topic in baby skin care tips. You want your toddler to be as comfortable as possible with their clothing. Learn the essential tips for baby clothing below:

  • Wash your baby’s clothes frequently.
  • Wash new outfits before your baby wears them.
  • Use gentle detergents for washing anything that touches their skin.


Diapers | Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | skin care and protection

One of the things you’ll be doing often is changing diapers, which is why it’s important to talk about. Your baby’s comfort may also depend on the process you have when changing your baby’s diapers.

  • Change your baby’s diapers immediately when soiled or wet.
  • Wipe the bottom gently but thoroughly with baby wipes.
  • Let your baby’s bottom dry before putting on the clean diaper.

Baby Sun Exposure

Baby Sun Exposure | Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | baby products | baby’s skin

We all know that too much sun exposure can cause harm to your baby’s skin. Even adults are advised to use skin care products for UV light protection. Here are some tips:

  • Keep your baby out of direct sunlight during the first 6 months, unless it’s very early in the morning when your baby needs his/her daily dose of vitamin A.
  • Use baby sunscreen, a hat, and an umbrella when going outside.

Baby Products

Baby Products | Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | skin care and protection

Now that there are so many baby products on the market, it’s best to avoid products that can potentially harm your child’s skin. You’d want to go natural and organic as much as possible due to the absence of harmful chemicals that can create problems or worsen your baby’s skin condition.

  • Avoid using powder and scented baby products.
  • Talk to your pediatrician to check if a product is appropriate.
  • Make organic products a priority when deciding which products to use on your baby’s skin.

Baby Skin Problems

Baby Skin Problems | Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | baby products | baby’s skin

Knowing the different types of baby skin problems is important, too, in case a skin condition occurs. It’s best to know what you can do to stop the spread or get rid of the skin disease.

  • Eczema – is a skin condition with itchy, red rashes.
    • Use gentle soaps and apply moisturizers. If it becomes severe, seek a prescription.
  • Acne – is a temporary skin problem with tiny red or white bumps, which looks like regular acne.
    • Follow standard baby skin care tips. If baby acne persists for several weeks, seek a pediatrician’s advice.
  • Jaundice – is a condition where a baby’s skin is abnormally yellow.
    • When this happens, simply consult a pediatrician.

Download this infographic now and reference it later.

Infographic | Basic Baby Skin Care Tips | skin care and protection
Now you know the basic baby skin care tips, you can better protect your baby’s skin from any possible triggers of skin ailments. The tips are pretty straightforward, so there’s no excuse not to put them into practice. It only requires your attention, time, and effort to take good care of your baby’s skin. Apply these tips at home and worry no more about your child’s delicate skin!

What other baby skin care tips can you share with us? Leave them in the comments section!

Up Next: How Do WE Rejuvenate Your Skin?